receive and review Brinkman Adventures Season 4. After reading about what this review would be
about I got excited to get started.
The Brinkman Adventures is a audio missionary drama based on a real-life missionary family and
their missionary experiences in real-life. While the stories in this audio drama are true and about
modern missionaries some of the detail may have been adapted or fictionalized. These adventures
can be read about at Brinkman Adventures Real Stories Season 4 and see pictures and videos of their
adventures. Brinkman Adventures Season 4 has 12 episodes that take you from a Bible camp to
Cambodia, Russia and the Middle East while encountering some scary things along the way.
Season 4 (Episodes 37 - 48)
37 A Paradise Lost
38 Remember Nhu
39 Aisha’s Fear
40 Heart Song
41 The Crashed Kitchen
42 Crisis In The Congo
43 The Mysterious Palm Feller
44 War of the Raccoons
45 The Five Guys
46 Toughest Man
47 Cambodian Quest
48 What Brings Us Together
Favorite Episodes
A Paradise Lost had Jacob and I on the edge of our seats waiting to hear and imagine what the
Brinkman's and the campers were going to do in the bad storm. We had just been camping so it
was easy to visualize what was happening at this Bible camp.
Remember Nhu brought back memories of our trip to California where we were told about slave
trade in Cambodia. Jacob was about 13 and had never really been exposed to these topics before
so now to hear it in the Brinkman Adventures has made him(18 years old now) start questioning
what he can do to try and help combat against these acts.
I would have to say my favorite episode was The Mysterious Palm Feller. The audio drama is so
realistic that I felt as though I was right alongside them biking and flying through the Congo. To hear
the native people loving God and wanting to love God made me feel proud to be a child of God. A
witch doctor comes to know God and doesn't want to perform evil things anymore. To me this is
just a reminder that ALL CAN COME TO GOD.
Through out the missionary stories prayer is shown to be a way to help with the life situations. So
many times we as humans only go to God in prayer when we have a problem or situation we can't
fix but prayer should be constant not just in bad times.
Our Thoughts
We really enjoyed listening to this season and will be purchasing the other seasons. We listened while
working around the house and while doing some computer things.
You can follow Brinkman Adventures on Facebook.
To read what other crew members thought of Brinkman Adventures Season 4 click on the box below
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